Canaria Textiles

Cotton Bud

Tale of a Cotton Bud

Once I was at my full bloom living in the open field of Sahiwal city until one day a lady cotton picker plucked me and bagged into here basket. I wondered where I was going! I was weighed along with my fellow buds on a large scale and then transported to a ginning factory in Khanewal city. There we all were dissected, our seeds were removed and then pressed into a bale of cotton set for next journey.

One summer day we all were transported to a spinning mills in Faisalabad city. The very next day factory employees broke us into pieces, I was no longer a cotton bud, I was broken into thousands of fibres, all my fibres became a thick dreadlocks of yarn running through many machines over and over again. All those machines kept us twisted and elongated until we transformed into a thinner thread. Eventually all my fibres took a shape of hair thin strong thread and we were wrapped on a cone, we were named cotton yarn.
Month later, we were bought by a factory in Lahore, another journey in my life and I wondered where am I going to end up this time. Sooner I found out, this factory makes towels and bed sheets, wow, a final role to play in making, the factory workers made a spider web of thread to feed us into looms. We were excited to become towel and eventually it happened, I turned out be a nice soft towel.
Finally I was given a good wash, bleached and shine, what a towel I am. Some of my fellow towels were coloured and washed as a final process to become towels, tagged and packed for sale to new owners. Luckily I was bought by a beautiful lady living in UK, often she slides me on her soft skin, what a pleasure, she cares for me, so do I and we are living happy together in her house.
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